Saturday 25 May 2024

Awareness programme on "Environment and Soil Moisture Conservation

             An awareness program on “ Environment Conservation and Soil Moisture Conservation” was organized by department of Botany, Zoology, and NSS unit in collaboration with Forest department (under Jeypore range) & AARANYAK on 25th of May 2024 in the Seminar Hall from 12:00 noon onwards.                 The programme was graced by a total audience of 125, which comprised of 5 forest officials, 6 AARANYAK members, 6 teaching faculties and 108 students. The awareness programme was conducted to celebrate the upcoming “World Environment Day”. The programme hosted by Ms Kakoli Baruah, (Assistant Professor dept of Botany) began with inaugural speech by Dr. Durga Prasad Gogoi, Principal, Namrup College. He expressed his happiness for organising the awareness programme on such a burning issue. 
        Mr H. H. Singh, H.O.D and Associate Professor Dept. of Zoology bestowed his wisdom and valuable insights on soil moisture conservation. Mr Zakir Islam Bora, Assistant Manager, Elephant Research and Conservation Division Dibrugarh, AARANYAK delivered a wonderful lecture on Environment Conservation. Mr Ejaj Ahmed, member of AARANYAK gave an enlightening speech on Elephant human conflict. 
            The entire session gave several eye opening insights to the young minds. The beaming faces of the students seemed satisfied with the programme and it ended around 1:30pm with vote of thanks conveyed by Ms Kakoli Baruah.

Wednesday 22 May 2024

International Day for Biodiversity 2024

On the occasion of the globally significant event, "International Day for Biodiversity," Namrup College observed the day under the organization of the Botany and Zoology departments in collaboration with IQAC, Namrup College. The main objective of this awareness program was to disseminate the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) action plan message to the local communities, emphasizing the restoration of degraded biodiversity and the conservation of our planet through targeted action plans for 2030 and 2050.

In connection with these objectives, we assigned our Class 11 and 12 students the task of collecting various seeds, fruits, medicinal plant specimens, etc., used in their daily diets. A group of students collected and exhibited the samples used in their households.

Based on the collected samples, Dr. Jayanta Sonowal, Assistant Professor & HoD of the Botany department, explained the concept of biodiversity, its importance in human life, and the urgent need for its conservation for future generations.

The program was further enriched by a speech from Mr. H. H. Singh, HoD of the Zoology department, who shared his extensive experience in the region regarding the threats to butterflies, indigenous fishes, and other local species. He emphasized the importance of student involvement in biodiversity conservation strategies.

The program commenced at 10:00 AM and concluded at 11:00 AM. A total of 67 students participated and were motivated to contribute to biodiversity conservation and create awareness in society. In addition to the students, faculty members from the Botany and Zoology departments and junior researchers from the Biotech Hub were also present at the program.

Click here to view program video

Monday 29 April 2024

World Cancer Day 2024

         Department of Zoology under the aegis of Green Life Society organized a two hours long awareness programme on cancer on 13th February in relation to World Cancer Day, 2024 in Seminar Hall. Because of ensuing Gunotsav programme set by Govt., the event was postponed to 13th February instead of 4th February. The programme was organized in collaboration with the Botanical Society, Dept. of Botany and NSS Unit, Namrup College.

      The programme was inaugurated by Principal, Dr. Durga Prasad Gogoi, Namrup College. Dr. Jayanta Sonowal, HoD, Dept. of Botany, gave a short speech on the need for data collection from local areas and discussion on the same. Mr. Hijam Homendro Singh, Hod, Dept. of Zoology, gave a short note on for awareness on Govt. facilities on treatment and drugs available to general publics in North-East region of India.

      In fact, the programme was conducted by members of Green Life Society, such as anchoring and vote of thanks (Rini Talukdar), introduction of the topic (Pranjal Dhadumia), types of cancers (Ashtha Baruah), causes of cancer (Rita Kispotta), and prevention & awareness of cancers (Parinita Kanwar).

      The programme came to an end after a brief discussion and refreshment. A total of six (6) teachers and twenty-five (25) students were present in the event.

AID Awareness 2023

     Department of Zoology, under the banner 'Green Life Society' organized a One-day Talk-cum- Discussion of HIV/AIDS on the occasion of World Aids Day, on 01/12.2023, in collaboration with the NSS-Unit, Namrup College and Botanical Society, Dept. of Zoology within the college campus to spread awareness among student fraternity. Because of ongoing university final examination, the number of student present was less.

      Student members of the Green life Society were trained to organize the event in the form of room arrangement, anchoring the meeting, welcome speech, vote of thanks and refreshment arrangement.

       The programme started at 12.00 noon with inauguration the event by the respected Principal, Dr. Durga Prasad Gogoi, and it was followed by welcome address by Saurav Tasa, member Green Life Society, a talk (PPT-presentation) on the topic by Hijam Homendro Singh(resource person), Associate Professor, Dept. of Zoology.

       During the session, Dr. Jayanta Sonowal, HoD, Dept. of Botany spoke on the present scenario AIDS in India and Global perspectives, while Mr. Krishna Kolita, NSS Programme Officer, Namrup College, interacted with students on various topics (behavoiurs patterns, testing centres of HIV/AIDS in Assam, etc.

       Apart from Principal, Namrup College, and resource person, a total of 5(five) teachers and 33(thirty-three) participated the programme. A light refreshment was served to all participants after the programme. The programme came an end at 3.00 p.m. after delivering Vote of Thanks  by Pranjal Nanda, member Green Life Society.

B. A./B. Sc SEM I (MDGE)

 Botany (MDGE)

1st Semester

Title of the Course: Natural resource management 

 Course Code: GECBOT 1 

 Nature of the Course: Generic Elective Course-I 

 Total Credits: 03 

 Distribution of Marks : 80 (End Sem) + 20 (In-Sem) COURSE OBJECTIVES:

The objective of this course is to provide knowledge to the students on importance, sustainable utilization, conservation and management of natural resources.

Sunday 28 April 2024

B. Sc SEM I (Minor)


Botany Minor 

1st Semester

 Title of the Course: Algae, Fungi, Bryophyte &Pteridophyte 

 Course Code: BOTC1 

 Nature of the Course: MAJOR/CORE COURSE I 

 Total Credits: 04 

 Distribution of Marks: 80 (End Sem) (60T+20P) + 20 (In-Sem) 

COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objective of this course is to provide knowledge to the students on various forms of algae, fungi, bryophytes and pteridophytes - their characteristics, mode of reproduction and economic importance.

Unit 1-

Introduction to Algae: Classification system of Fritsch, and Basic concept of evolutionary classification viz. Lee; General characteristics; range of thallus organization; cell structure; pigment system, reserve food, methods of reproduction. Role of algae in the environment, agriculture, biotechnology and industry. 

Study of major divisions of Algae: Comparative study of Characteristics; Occurrence; Mode of reproduction; Morphology and life cycles of Volvox, Oedogonium, Chara, Ectocarpus, Anabaena and Polysiphonia. Diatoms and its importance.

Unit 2-

Introduction to fungi: 

Salient features; Classification; Thallus organization; Cell wall composition; Nutrition; Classification. Mycorrhiza (Ectomycorrhiza, Endomycorrhiza and their significance); Lichen: Classification& Economic Importance.

Study of major divisions of fungi: General characteristics of Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Oomycota: asexual and sexual fruiting bodies; Life cycle of Phytophthora, Saccharomyces, Penicillium, Paccinia, Peziza, Agaricus. Economic importance of fungi. 

Unit 3-

Bryophytes: General features; classification; thallus organization; morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Marchantia, Anthoceros, Sphagnum; Reproduction and evolutionary trends in bryophytes. Ecological and economic importance of bryophytes. 

Unit 4-

Pteridophytes: Classification, morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Psilotum, Selaginella, Equisetum and Ophioglossum, Marselia. Heterospory,stelar evolution; Ecological and economic importance.


1. Study of vegetative and reproductive structures of Nostoc, Chlamydomonas (electron micrographs),     VolvoxOedogoniumColeochaeteCharaVaucheria, EctocarpusFucus and Polysiphonia, through         electron micrographs, temporary preparations and permanent slides. 
2. Study of vegetative and reproductive structures of PhytophthoraAlbugoSaccharomyces,  
     AspergillusPenicilliumAlternaria, and Peziza
3. Study of vegetative and reproductive structures of RicciaMarchantiaAnthocerosSphagnum,
    Funaria and Polytrichum 
 4. Study of vegetative and reproductive structures of SelaginellaEquisetum and Ophioglossium,

B. Sc SEM I (Major)

 Botany Major 

1st Semester

 Title of the Course: Algae, Fungi, Bryophyte &Pteridophyte 

 Course Code: BOTC1 

 Nature of the Course: MAJOR/CORE COURSE I 

 Total Credits: 04 

 Distribution of Marks: 80 (End Sem) (60T+20P) + 20 (In-Sem) 

COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objective of this course is to provide knowledge to the students on various forms of algae, fungi, bryophytes and pteridophytes - their characteristics, mode of reproduction and economic importance.