Botanical name: Dillenia indica L.
Family: Dilleniaceae
Common name: Elephant apple
Assamese name: ঔটেঙা
General characteristics:
It is a native plant of China and Asia. In India, it is found in Andaman &
Nicobar Island, Assam, West Bengal, Himalayan Region (Barooah & Ahmed,
2014). It is a medium size tree growing upto 15 m tall. Leaves simple, large,
alternate or spirally arranged, petioles channeled above, exstipulate or
stipulate and its length is about 15-36 cm. Flowers solitary or clusters in
terminal racemes, bracts, bracteoles caduceus when present, Calyx 5 toothed,
spreading, enlarged and fleshy in fruit. Corolla 5 lobed, white or yellow,
usually larger that sepals, caduceus. Stamens free, njumerous, filaments
cylondric, anthers linear with parallel loculi, Carpels 5-20, borne on conical
receptacle, radiating styules, ovules 4-80. Fruits indehisecent pseudocarps,
enclosed by enlarged thick sepals, seeds exarillate (Ganeshaiah and Kailash;
Komor & Devi 2016).
Uses: Dillenia indica is widely used in various purposes. Timber is used to make post in traditional house by village people. In rural areas, people use its trunk in construction of local boat. As the fruit is sour in taste, so its use in preparation of various forms of delicious food in Assamese kitchen. Fruit is used in preparation of prickle. It has antidysentric property. In Assam, fruit is cooked with fish and it is one of the popular delicious curries which is called as “Machor Tenga”. The inner mucilaginous part of the fruit is used for hair wash and people believe that it is better than shampoo.
IUCN status: LC