Friday 21 June 2024

World Environment Day, 2024

 Theme "Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience"

Department of Zoology along with Department of Botany in collaboration with the IQAC and NSS-Unit, Namrup College organized a three hour talk-cum-discussion on the theme "Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience" on the occasion of The World Environment Day, 2024. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Durga Prasad Gogoi, Principal, Namrup College with a short speech on the topic.

The programme was organized by members of Green Life Society, Dept. of Zoolozy, where students were given opportunity to anchor (Ms. Rini Talukdar) the event and gave some presentations from their parts.Mr. Pranjal Nanda, Mr. Sourav Tasa and Mr. Pranjal Dhatumia(all 6th SEM) put their ppt presentations related to the topic, while Mr. Hijam Homendro Singh, HoD, Dept. of Zoology, gave an overall scenario on the functioning and deteriorating conditions of the earth's ecological systems impacted from human's exploitive nature of natural resources for want of economic returns.

Ms. Pranita Rajkhowa, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Economics, delivered a short interactive speech on why we need to study and practically apply the principle of sustainability in all works of life to save the earth for all of us. Dr. Jayanta Sonowal. HoD, Dept. of Botany and also Asst. Coordinator, IQAC, Namrup College, opined that our EVS starts from home, and it is everyone's responsibly that we manage and preserve biodiversity for our own very existence.

All participants took pledge that they all would start doing small things to minimize impacts on the earth by way of using eco-friendly products for their gardens, planting more trees in their lands and reduce the use of plastics in personal levels. They also expressed that they will spread the message to friends and neighbours that we need to minimize non eco-friendly products on day today basis and need of planting more trees for our better future.

A total of five (5) teachers and fifty six(56) students participated the event.

The programme came to an end after Vote of Thanks delivered by Ms. Rini Talukdar

Banana sapling plantation

On June 19, 2024, a collaborative effort between the Departments of Botany and Zoology, and the NSS Unit of Namrup College, along with the Department of Botany, Eco Club, and NSS Unit of Tingkhong College, led to a significant plantation event at Dihing Patkai National Park in the Dangori Kumar area, an identified human-elephant conflict zone. This initiative saw the planting of 30 indigenous Bhim Kol banana saplings and the sowing of rice seeds in the open areas within the forest. Such measures are essential steps towards mitigating human-wildlife conflicts.

This marks the first joint initiative by both colleges in addressing the complex issue of human and wildlife coexistence. Through this action, the organizers aim to inspire future generations to participate in conservation efforts and understand the critical role of wildlife in ecosystem management.

From Namrup College, Dr. Jayanta Sonowal, Assistant Professor and Head of the Botany Department, and Mr. Sajidur Rahman, Assistant Professor of the Zoology Department, along with students from the Botany, Zoology, and NSS Units, participated enthusiastically. Tingkhong College was represented by Dr. Mouchumi Gogoi, Principal; Ms. Parinita Devi Nath, Head and Assistant Professor of the Botany Department; Mr. Jonardan Hazarika, Assistant Professor of the Botany Department; students from the Botany Department, Eco Club, NSS Unit; and reporters from NewsLive, NK TV, and Dy365.

The program was a resounding success, and we are optimistic about conducting more such awareness initiatives with the support of all stakeholders in the future.

We extend our sincere gratitude to the Beat Forest Officer and the employees of the Namrup Forest Office for their technical and security support during the event. We hope for their continued support for the greater benefit of both people and wildlife.